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MeatsimPD t1_iyaug9j wrote

I don't know what's worse, the fact that you think over 300k children dying in conflict isn't something grown men should be worried about OR the fact that you don't think indirect causes like famine or lack of healthcare due to war don't count.

Either way, who cares if they tried to get to Spain for economic reasons? Why is seeking economic success a virtue for ourselves but something we criticize outsiders for? You're criticizing these people for wanting to make lives for themselves and achieve success, but lemme guess if they didn't want to achieve economic success you'd criticize them for being freeloaders or something similar right?

Methinks you're criticism of seeking economic success hides another reason you don't want these people in Spain


Isosceles_Kramer79 t1_iyaxa99 wrote

I do understand that countries like Nigeria have problems. The solution is not to let illegal economic migrants into developed countries. First step should be for those countries to get their birth rates in check.

You cannot have a country without borders. Developed world cannot survive letting in people just because they show up on the borders. Africa alone has birth rates that could easily overwhelm Europe demographically.


MeatsimPD t1_iyayeto wrote

What do you expect these 4 guys to do about Nigeria's birthrates? Borders so exist but people cross them every single day, maybe you've crossed some in your life. Presumably legally but even illegally crossing a border doesn't invalidate it's existence.

And when you say "demographics" don't you really just mean race? You're concerned about too many black people and not enough white people for your liking, that it?


Isosceles_Kramer79 t1_iyayqsy wrote

Just because most Africans are black does not give them the right to invade another continent.

And there is a huge difference between crossing borders legally and illegally. About the same difference as between somebody crossing your threshold as an invited guest vs. as a home invader.


MeatsimPD t1_iybbaak wrote


Yeah I think we are getting to the heart of it. You don't want more Africans in Europe because they're culturally different and don't share the same skin color as the majority there