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compelx t1_iwzqjc3 wrote

Your Tuan Tuan will freeze before you reach the first marker!


usagicanada t1_ix05bo4 wrote

This is the only reason I came into the comment section.


tissaea t1_iwzw9dw wrote

lmao whose brilliant idea is that using a living being as symbol of reunion?


akurra_dev t1_ix2stkz wrote

Probably Xi. The more random things he can declare war over the better in his mind probably.


DantesDivineConnerdy t1_ix68q5e wrote

This was before Xi. Hu Jintao was the PRC Gen Sec, and the pandas were accepted by the pro-unification Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT.


ChemicalAssignment69 t1_iwzfjs1 wrote

So sad. Saw Tuan Tuan last year.


iocan28 t1_ix1kr0d wrote

I know animals and people die all the time, but it’s still sad to hear about it. Reading about a specific death is always more emotional than any statistic.


grinch1225 t1_iwzx1vb wrote

Well that seems mildly prophetic


woolcoat t1_ix0xfid wrote

Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, the two pandas, take their names from the Chinese word for "reunion" = "Tuan Yuan". So yea... sign of things to come


nuonuopapa t1_ix1s0t8 wrote

Tuan Tuan survived an earthquake when he was young. The earthquake damaged the zoo he was in, and he wandered in the wild for a few weeks. Then somehow he found his way back to the zoo. It was considered a miracle back then.

After all that, he died young in a zoo. This is just so sad.


anonyoudidnt t1_ix1vw7t wrote

Pandas would be extinct if it weren't for zoos and sanctuaries.


orangutanDOTorg t1_iwzyzko wrote

Panda coroner: and I thought they smelled bad on the outside


VPFrancisson t1_ix123g6 wrote

and the union falls with the panda