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Xul-luX t1_iuszmgf wrote

we need to start becoming familiar with the term " climate refugee ", we will count them/us by millions.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iut18pv wrote

that’s what my big concern is for the US right now.

We are barely holding onto democracy by a thread, and I fear just enough Americans are just xenophobic enough to be pushed into supporting/buying into the GOP’s Fascist & racist rhetoric once the influx of climate migrants becomes significant.

Not to say we shouldn’t help/shelter those displaced my climate change. But seeing how anti-immigration rhetoric motivates/influences a large portion of Americans votes currently, I can only seeing it becoming a bigger shitshow.


zerobeat t1_iut70lm wrote

> climate migrants

Plot twist: most climate migrants will be internal to the United States as west coast residents flee east as fires burn and water disappears.

And we'll hate each other even more than if the people were from outside the country.


Skellum t1_iutvzyn wrote

> as west coast residents flee east

That would actually be fantastic for the US's democracy as you'd get a massive wave of blue voters out of CA and into other states. Horrible for people but yea.


jschubart t1_iutwmii wrote

Can't move to the Mississippi River since that is drying up. Time to repopulate Detroit.


altera_goodciv t1_iut7zmw wrote

Republicans about to suggest building a wall along the Rockies to keep those damn liberals from the West Coast out.


Xul-luX t1_iut2avw wrote

I feel we are on the verge of the most chaotic situation we will face as an species. I hope that love and brotherhood prevail over violence.


bicameral_mind t1_iutpaan wrote

No developed country is going to accept large numbers of refugees fleeing developing nations. The best and brightest will be saved and the rest will suffer. The number of people in utterly precarious situations is just too large.


Auskat85 t1_iutteqx wrote

There will be huge movement of people within developed nations. I feel like people, particularly in wealthy nations think that they won’t see internal refugees or that they won’t be one themselves.


NGC3992 t1_iutug7v wrote

My friends keep “joking” they’ll just escape to Canada. I’ve asked them, seriously, “Do you think the Canadians will want you?” They stop joking after that.


Draker-X t1_iutcv8q wrote

>and I fear just enough Americans are just xenophobic enough to be pushed into supporting/buying into the GOP’s Fascist & racist rhetoric once the influx of climate migrants becomes significant.

"Just enough". I have some bad news for you. My fellow Americans are, as we speak, happily throwing democracy straight into a burning dumpster because of inflation, gas prices, and fears of an illusory crime wave that does not exist.

Within two weeks, the Republicans will have won BOTH houses of Congress, and we may not even make it to 2024 before the shooting starts.

We're living in the Brightburn timeline, not the Superman one. And we did it to our fucking selves.

God Bless America. Because no one else will.


FantasyThrowaway321 t1_iutdyg8 wrote

Migration in the USA alone, hell even within states themselves, is going to be chaos. Imagine Billions of refugees moving from island nations, equatorial settlements, etc., and migrating to areas that already void of stability and opportunity… I don’t see this going well


willowmarie27 t1_iuw3oda wrote

Question though, is south America experiencing the same type of climate crises that Africa and the mid east is/will.

For one there is a higher elevation. . . It just doesn't seem to be as immediate.

I am not trying to downplay climate crises, just curious to peoples thoughts.


dba1990 t1_iuusodh wrote

I see this as probable cause for the GOP to authorize use of nuclear weapons.

To keep The Blacks, The Browns, and The Muslims in her climate-ravaged place or else.


FantasyThrowaway321 t1_iutdm59 wrote

I agree, and this is similar to me now referring to them as ‘beach bears’ instead of ‘polar bears’, has really soften the blow