Submitted by Prometheus_3_6_9 t3_z8dabp in news
rightmindedBen t1_iyb435s wrote
Don’t worry it’s your money not theirs…
[deleted] t1_iyb50ow wrote
Anonymoustard t1_iyb9zvl wrote
Lost? It's always in the last place you look.
[deleted] t1_iyba0nq wrote
WanderingPickles t1_iybcl2l wrote
So, the bank (BOC) owns assets upon which it gains income. Things like Canadian government bonds (when the government runs a deficit, it issues bonds and the bank buys them up) pay a fixed percentage yield. Other bonds held by the bank also pay a set rate of return.
So that is the positive revenue side of bank. Money coming in.
The other side are things that the bank has to pay out on. Apart from the typical things like salary, utilities, paper, etc. the bank has to pay interest on the funds deposited in its coffers.
For example, if Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) deposits its own funds into the BOC then the BOC owes interest to the customer. Just like how when you deposit funds I to your savings account and the bank pays you interest. They pay you for holding your money.
With the rise in interest rates, the amount owed on those deposits has increased. At the same time, the interest on the bonds BOC holds remain the same. Think of it like your salary remains the same but the interest rate on your credit card radically increases and now what was a $100/month bill is $200. The extra $100 pushes you into the red and, as a result, you have to draw on your savings in order to pay the bill.
That is, in a brief nutshell, what is happening to the BOC right now.
[deleted] t1_iybebvu wrote
ouyin2000 t1_iybemfm wrote
Not really.
wobbly-cheese t1_iybff4w wrote
lets not forget the liberals skimming off the top to buy votes and pay friends
laughinggas t1_iybgpc7 wrote
And it's still operating!
[deleted] t1_iybiphu wrote
[deleted] t1_iybkgmj wrote
[deleted] t1_iybkpdq wrote
[deleted] t1_iybmzob wrote
NextTrillion t1_iybndrl wrote
Sounds like user wobbly cheese has been drinking too many wobbly pops
Frankenmuppet t1_iybo5ty wrote
Come to Saskatchewan where our votes are bought by the Conservatives instead.
I'm still waiting on my Moe bucks
sjfiuauqadfj t1_iybqs2s wrote
cant believe the bank of canada is stealing my american money. when are we gonna annex them and take back what is ours
MrFuzzyPaw t1_iybrcze wrote
We'll burn your white house down again.
And send in the geese.
And get you stoned on our good pot.
You are defenseless against us.
JBredditaccount t1_iybuy41 wrote
It saddens me to see what you've done to your mind.
mad-hatt3r t1_iybv0zf wrote
Should see what Danielle Smith is doing
WynterYoung t1_iybzu6t wrote
Damn, not the geese!
MrFuzzyPaw t1_iyc00ul wrote
Yes. The geese. In mating season.
WynterYoung t1_iyc0ah7 wrote
I got a car and I'm not afraid to use it! Lol(side not though: I actually like geese. My mom and I used to save the geese in our area when they had broken wings and stuff cause of the traffic in our area).
professorDissociate t1_iyc0fcg wrote
Thanks for the thorough reply. This is very informative and appreciated.
[deleted] t1_iyc0pl5 wrote
pythondontwantnone t1_iyc1z1h wrote
Someone blow this man. Nice reply.
QuantumInteger t1_iyc5l2i wrote
Joke’s on you buddy! Burning down the White House will be an improvement.
[deleted] t1_iyc6hzi wrote
[deleted] t1_iyccnch wrote
MrWeirdoFace t1_iyce8yv wrote
Somebody check under the couch cushions?
Efficient-Ad-3302 t1_iychmxe wrote
What happened to all the “profits” from the oil industry boosting gas prices?
[deleted] t1_iycm8xi wrote
Austoman t1_iycuayn wrote
This is exactly the situation. Its not some bs about politicians travelling or anything like that. Its interest rates to curb inflation vs standard revenue generation.
WuMedic t1_iydzy97 wrote
Well of course! It would be pretty stupid to keep looking once you have found it!
Actual__Wizard t1_iye0u3y wrote
Pff. A $522 million loss is nothing. Daddy Elon loses more then that daily.
[deleted] t1_iyensud wrote
As a Coloradan you can't beat our weed. Also we're really stoned. Also first in the world.
[deleted] t1_iyb3sqq wrote