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t1_iuumts1 wrote

>Vertol has so far been paid $1.56 million for the migrant relocation program and has completed only one of three flights it initially agreed to. As a result, the cost per migrant transported so far works out to about $32,000 per person, a number that includes hotel stays, ground transportation in Texas and other costs.

Forced them to prepay so they lost money on flights that never happened. Didn't produce a cost breakdown. And yet Florida agreed.

Very interested to read future articles about Vertol and their connections.


t1_iuv68wx wrote

when $32,000 is a life changing amount of money to many yet it’s spent to just transport people for a political stunt.


t1_iuwg6bh wrote

Seems Vertol was engaged in interstate commerce... which should subject them to an investigation by the FBI for fraud (cuz we know neither Texas nor Floriduh will conduct any type of investigation for the presence of a state crime).


t1_iuupdn4 wrote

Yet nobody is going to be held accountable.


t1_iv7bgss wrote

You are correct...Desantis will just blame Biden anyways and the folks in Florida will eat it up.


t1_iuuqqcc wrote

Fiscal conservativism strikes again.


t1_iuvuaj8 wrote

Is this why people in the red areas of red states are always so goddamn broke? And why blue states like California in Massachusetts have huge surpluses? (As well as far higher incomes?)

Turns out wasting your money to fuel a hobby of hating people is a really poor investment.


t1_iuuvuaq wrote

Desantis should be charged with embezzling tax money to use in his campaign as this was an illegal use of taxpayer money to fund a campaign stunt.


t1_iuwgay4 wrote

What deathsantis did is much more serious than that. Let's start with the entry criminal act: theft of services.


t1_iuv7qf9 wrote

So, misappropriation of taxpayers money.
Isn’t that a crime?


t1_iuvo0wm wrote

Not if you're the governor of Florida, apparently.


t1_iuvyiaz wrote

He considers tax money HIS money not the peoples money. He will use it as he pleases. The peasants needn’t concern themselves with his spending!


t1_iuxx3ev wrote

It wasn't really the people's money. It was leftover federal Covid relief money. /s the first sentence, the second is true.


t1_iuvdaz8 wrote

Why is this asshole not charged with trafficking yet?


t1_iuyo33x wrote

Because the government and especially the feds have a monopoly on this already, no ones going to go to jail, they've done this for years.


t1_iuvke8q wrote

Why are so many ass hats getting away with everything ??? Clinton had an affair and people lost their minds. I would think this crap lately would be higher on the pitchfork .


t1_iuvpu6z wrote

Next level grifting of the voters base with extremism propoganda and lies. The threat to democracy as we know it, is very real this election cycle. We have a long way to go before coming to terms with the truth in small town, underwducated rural segments of the US


t1_iuvvoyr wrote

I mean, to be fair, the exact same folks who prosecuted Bill Clinton, became some of the most powerful and influential Republicans alive. So why would they not be raging hypocrites when it suits them?

Personally, I think Bill Clinton was a pretty big asshole. So while I am happy that his history of cheating on his wife and sexually assaulting folks or having sex with his interns is common knowledge…It’s just interesting how Republicans give zero shits about horrific abusers and abortion-causers like Herschel Walker, or overlook all of trumps rape allegations and chronic infidelity.

And the folks who prosecuted Clinton, give zero shits about infidelity, rape, or anything of that nature:

  • Ken Starr: ousted by University Regents in disgrace as Baylor’s president for covering up dozens of rapes that the football team engaged in. He’s dead now. Good riddance.

  • Brett Kavanaugh: a liar, drunk, and sexual abuser who was Ken Starr’s deputy in the Clinton investigations. (If Kavanaugh had had his way, he would have asked the president nearly a dozen X-rated questions, such as this one: “If Monica Lewinsky says that you inserted a cigar into her vagina while you were in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?”)


t1_iuv09q5 wrote

Go get 'em, lawyers, auditors and the news! Shine light on the shady dealing!


t1_iuvawe4 wrote

He is just another Trump. Heaven forbid he makes President.


t1_iuv4hsh wrote

Manufacturing staged outrage is expensive!

Who foots the bill when he SWATs personal and political enemies?


t1_iuwlrzv wrote

Taxpayer money that was not supposed to be used for legal migrants or for Venezuelan migrants. DeSantis went out of his way to break the law and waste taxpayer money.


t1_iuv9c9t wrote

Well duh. Does anyone think Douche Santis would use his own money for a joke of a stunt like this? Yeah me either.


t1_iuw8aof wrote

Human trafficking via public funds.

When does the arrest of the king pin occur?


t1_iuynwkc wrote

What do you think the biden, obama, trump, and Bush admins have been doing for years? This isnt new


t1_iuw62eq wrote

Show this to the average conservative voter and they’re gonna tell you this is fake liberal propaganda


t1_iux7484 wrote

I don't know, does it mention this was a budget item passed by the legislature? Because I see a lot of people thinking it was DeSantis that misappropriated it, which would of course be the framing intended, just not a factual one.

Never mind the next level smooth brains parroting the ever popular, "hUmAn tRAfFicKiNg" talking point.


t1_iuxxi9t wrote

The money was to send immigrants from Florida, not to ship immigrants from Texas to Florida, and then out. Also, there is the issue of this being a no-compete contract given to political donors/cronies of DeSantis (and Matt Gaetz).


t1_iuwcsaj wrote

Of course he did, and yet his base won't care at all. The party of "fiscal responsibility" won't care since it was money spent to "own the libs". They're willing to compromise on their "principles" as long as they can "win".


t1_iuwkq00 wrote

Spoiler alert: he's been using taxpayer money to fund campaign theatrics the whole time!


t1_iuw6xpj wrote

There are Cuban refugees waiting for asylum hearings already in Florida.

Why won't someone ask him why he didn't fly those instead of the ones in Texas?


t1_iv01l9y wrote

Look it's drump .20

$32,000 per person. Those are some weak ass grifting numbers. /s


t1_iuw2bst wrote

Lol did you think he paid for it himself? Is that the delusion that's suddenly broken?


t1_iuwf73l wrote


t1_iuwj5dl wrote

It doesn’t actually say who is doing it in your article. Though one does wonder why they need to import more when they already have some coming in.


t1_iuwpsf7 wrote

It says that the Biden administration has refused to disclose any information on who is facilitating the flights. So if they don't want to say, I have to assume it is the Biden administration.

If it was DeSantis or any other republican was flying people from Texas to Florida, I'm sure the Biden administration would be more than happy to tell us.


t1_iuy4j6c wrote

Absence of information does not allow you to just determine the answer yourself.