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ent4rent t1_iuud1zo wrote

If he doesn't spill beans, then he can't claim immunity when prosecutors obtain evidence independently. It's in his best interest to put everything on the table now


Wazula42 t1_iuupwyl wrote

Or he can just hold out until the next GOP president pardons him.


BowwwwBallll t1_iuuxv5a wrote

Two years is a long time to sit in prison for contempt.


Anneisabitch t1_iuvtse6 wrote

Nah, he’s judged correctly that the DOJ will wait and wait and wait and wait and finally start out slow and then slowly fade away. 2 years is nothing.


morpheousmarty t1_iuwp19y wrote

Yeah, that only works for Trumps. The campaign manager, Flynn, Bannon, Stone, the lawyer, all did not see their problems just fade away.


skaptastic t1_iuwlfbd wrote

this guy doesn’t seem the type to enjoy 730 days of watery meals.


Playos t1_iuufv49 wrote

If there isn't an immunity agreement, then there still isn't anything stopping prosecutors from obtaining evidence independently.