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proxyproxyomega t1_ixwfuc9 wrote

BBC is writing based on charges by the Korean law enforcement, who wouldn't have laid out the charges without any substantial reasons. there probably wouldn't be evidences, as with most sexual harassment cases, but if more women turns up, it will become a national wide interest/crisis.

Korean elders are known to be touchy (affectionate but not sexual), as was traditionally common and accepted. the country is going through a cultural transition where the older generations still behave the old ways (patriarchy, obedience, dogmatic) , where younger generations are growing up in modern standards (i.e. privacy, physical boundaries, individuality etc).


HelpStatistician t1_ixxflt6 wrote

Korean elders are used to a thriving prostitution and borderline accepted mistress culture, they are not AT ALL touchy in an affections way to the opposite sex. That's why things like "manner hands" are so popular.