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Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_iv10sec wrote

India is industrializing. This is kind of the natural progression of industrialization. Historically it takes a generation or two of a population living through the shit before they simultaneously realize how bad it is AND have the resources and institutional knowledge to implement and manage higher levels of tech to mitigate It

Look at the US. It took us accidentally lighting the Cuyahoga River on fire before voters all agreed “okay I guess we need some kind of environmental agency” and then it took another twenty years before we started to get sulfur emissions and smog under control

Personally, I expect the wealthy developed world to do a lot more legwork cleaning things up, especially because our wealth largely comes from polluting the hardest the last century(and we are still polluting at higher per capita rates). If that means going into India and building them cleaner factories ourselves, that’s a better investment than just waiting for war to break out as ecosystems collapse. Unfortunately it seems most our species prefer the latter


evert198201 t1_iv13zfg wrote

Yes I agree, I actually believe that countries that thrived on the backs of other countries should participate in their climate change investments, as climate is effecting us all and these countries have the resources to help out others...


peanut__buttah t1_iv388yg wrote

In theory, absolutely. But looking even just at the US, we can’t even get our leaders on board to aid environmentalism in our own country, let alone to “a bunch of brown people overseas” (you can hear the Fox News headline already).


WexfordHo t1_iv185k0 wrote

See, I understand hoping for that, but if you really expect that to happen… oof, you are in for a brutal wake-up call.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_iv1dxgb wrote

Hence my last sentence. I expect humanity to survive global warming, but I’m expecting levels of death and suffering not experienced for centuries. Think Bubonic Plague or Manifest Destiny levels of collapse where entire continents are heavily depopulated. For an allegedly intelligent species we’re collectively pretty dumb