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TheAngryBeezy t1_ixoqsf7 wrote

It's a ban of hijab from all public figures and schools and public buildings. Public school girls don't deserve the right to choose what they want to wear? Muslim women who choose to wear hijab don't deserve the right to be public figures?


sandmansand1 t1_ixor2o0 wrote

Well no, not according to the French people they don’t. And the reasoning is that France is not a traditionally Muslim culture. You can debate it all you want, but you don’t have to go to public school and you don’t have to be a public figure. You’re free to live a full and comfortable life never taking off your hijab.

And it’s nice you actually googled the ban now instead of spouting more lies. Instead it’s just asking sarcastic trumpian rhetoricals without researching the reasoning for the law.


fkmeamaraight t1_ixpyetu wrote

It’s a ban against all clothing that completely cover the face and body. Not just the hijab. If some other person decides to do this for non-religious reasons they are also banned from doing so.