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justforthearticles20 t1_ixipw4i wrote

They technically would have to show that there was a violation of the US Constitution which does not exist. If they score a Trump judge, the lack of jurisdiction thing won't matter.


notcaffeinefree t1_ixjg022 wrote

>They technically would have to show that there was a violation of the US Constitution which does not exist.

That's basically the argument in Moore v Harper. If the ISL theory is accepted by the Court, a state court would have no authority over this matter.


justforthearticles20 t1_ixjgiao wrote

That precedent would allow California and New York and every other Blue state to make every House seat Blue, and Democrats would take the House forever.


notcaffeinefree t1_ixjhn5p wrote

Not necessarily. Currently states with entirely blue legislatures make up only 149 House seats. Split legislatures make up another 106 seats leaving 180 seats in red states.


justforthearticles20 t1_ixjioy9 wrote

Split states would be required to abide by their actual election results, but are trending Blue, at which point they would be Blue forever.