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DearMrsLeading t1_iy6nil7 wrote

I had a surgery and it turned out my anesthesiologist wasn’t covered by my insurance, I was responsible for the entire cost of his services despite never having a choice of who I got. Another one of my tests was deemed not medically necessary (it was) and I had to pay for that too. There are a lot of weird loopholes that result in bills.


GTAIVisbest t1_iy6yiv3 wrote

No Surprises Act :) they can't balance-bill you for anesthesiologists anymore


DearMrsLeading t1_iy6yl4r wrote

Oh, awesome! My surgery was years ago so my info is a bit old.


GTAIVisbest t1_iy6z4pj wrote

Yeah, the No Surprises Act was monumental and basically the pinnacle of the Biden administration imho. Before, like you said, an anesthesiologist would just walk in to your room and look at your chart, and you couldn't say anything at all or speak up in time, and BOOM- balance-billed. Nowadays, you'll still get balance-billed, but after spending a dozen hours on the phone or so it gets dropped. Still crappy unpaid work but at least you're not on the hook anymore


Fabulous-Ad6844 t1_iy8gu6k wrote

That shit needs to be legislated. If you have no choice then it should be automatically treated as in network. Only Doctors should decide what’s necessary, not insurers.

Well if we can’t have universal here then at least make the system a little fairer. Sigh.