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possumallawishes t1_iwntc7t wrote

Look at the picture bro, that’s not who the article is about. The description in the article is not the guy in the picture, the picture is zip tie guy. Trust me.


pegothejerk t1_iwnu1kj wrote

Yes. That has been discussed. Read the article, this is about the other guy who carried flex cuffs and said he found them.

> According to prosecutors, Brock walked around the Senate chamber for eight minutes on January 6, rifling through senators’ desks while wearing a helmet, tactical vest and carrying plastic flex-cuffs he found in the Rotunda that day.


possumallawishes t1_iwnv059 wrote

Yes, I understand that. However, the guy in the picture is known as “zip tie guy” and he’s clearly carrying flexicuffs. So it’s kinda dumb to call Brock flexicuff guy and distinguishing him from zip tie guy, because they both had flexicuffs and one is commonly known as zip tie guy. You’re talking about helmet guy. Flexicuff/zip tie guy is the same person, you’re trying to distinguish Brock as flexicuff guy but literally no one has called him that except you.


pegothejerk t1_iwnv83f wrote

You’re free to call flex cuff guy and zip tie guy whatever you want, I’m not stopping you. Enjoy your day.


possumallawishes t1_iwnvl94 wrote

And you’re free to get pissy about it. Just clarifying since your comment is at the top and it’s misleading when coupled with the picture… especially when he’s literally carrying flexicuffs…. But my mistake, zip tie guy is so clearly a different guy, cause he was carrying <checks notes> flexicuffs.
