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AnBearna t1_iwq264l wrote

And Pelosi. Thanks to Fox, all the brain-doners and Maga chudds think that the two of them are satan worshipers or pizzeria basement dwelling pedo’s or something.

God I feel dirty just typing that nonsense…


Erethiel117 t1_iwsjfrj wrote

To be fair, one is a brain dead hypocrite that lives outside of reality and the other one has been part of the stagnation and corruption in government longer than most people have been alive and is one of the most prominent faces of government corruption.

Not that either of them deserve to be assaulted or threatened, but that rage against them is entirely justified.


AnBearna t1_iwsmvms wrote

I don’t know. I’ve yet to see much reported about either person that would trigger Jan 6th levels of meltdown in me!

I’m not American, so for example, I see AOC and Sanders politics at work here in parts of the EU and it works just fine, so from my perspective neither AOC, Pelosi, Sanders, etc come across particularly extreme at all. In fact the joke here was that if Sanders was in Ireland he’d just be a member of the old ‘Progressive Democrats’ and if AOC was in England she’d just be a regular member of the Labour Party. 100% not extreme positions at all, but in America they are considered by their detractors to be so extreme that they are a danger to society. That reaction always blows my mind.


FalloutCreation t1_iwqsf4b wrote

Probably because Nancy Pelosi can be thrown in with the rest of those people


transilience-sk t1_iwqzq5f wrote

are the satan worshippers in the room right now?


FalloutCreation t1_iws351n wrote

Well those people are always around I’m sure. But I’m not sure what your getting at. But I’m talking about the corruption in our government and choices made by her over the years has not been good for this country.
