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Camus____ t1_ix3lotl wrote

At this point, the fbi should take over. If you don’t have a clear suspect within a couple of days, it’s probably not clear cut case. 4 people stabbed to death in same house while two were left untouched. If it was a crime of passion, wouldn’t they just kill the intended target and maaaybe their lover? Murders like this are very very rare which probably means the motive and suspect and not run of the mill.


sailor_sega_saturn t1_ix3sg2n wrote

From the article:

> There is a large police presence in town. The Moscow Police Department has four detectives and 24 patrol officers on the case. There are 20 investigators and 15 uniformed troopers from the Idaho State Police involved, along with 22 FBI agents.


Camus____ t1_ix3uywl wrote

Yeah but are they the lead, doesn’t sound like it


Velkyn01 OP t1_ix4obup wrote

FBI doesn't play second fiddle to local PD.


89141 t1_ixb8rls wrote

You should learn up federal vs state/city/county jurisdiction. Hint, this isn’t a movie.


Double_Hunt_8970 t1_ix5fli5 wrote

It seems in the rare cases when someone else is left untouched sleeping in the same home during a murder it’s ALWAYS a fucking mystery. I am 100% sure they will find the murderer if there is even a remote connection. If not, then it was a completely random act of targeted violence. Maybe the two girls pissed off some psycho incel, ex con or a serial killer at the bar. He waited outside. Followed them home in his car, and then bam. The couple probably were just unlucky.