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Dultsboi t1_ivistm2 wrote

The RCMP and CSIS are the major ones. The Nova Scotia shooting a couple years ago has all the hallmarks of an intelligence operation. The suspect was even drawing money from Brinks, something only assets of the RCMP and informants do.

But at the end of the day, the CIA and FBI likely control Canada far deeper than anything China could ever dream to achieve


EvangelineOfSky t1_ivj3zey wrote

We also have the CSE, which runs parallel to CSIS.. CSIS looks a more into domestic security, CSE focuses more on foreign intelligence

While CSIS was founded as a result of the RCMP detachment responsible for their job before them going AWOL and commiting domestics terrorism after the FLQ crisis, CSE traces its roots to Canada's cryptography researchers in the second world war