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arathorn867 t1_ixm66ft wrote

No sympathy for anyone involved in the world cup.

Everyone's known for years about the slave labor, human rights violations, and everything else. If you still participate that's on you.


DrTBag t1_ixmma11 wrote

I disagree. Qatar took over an event that doesn't typically have these sorts of issues. They should never have been allowed to host, but given they are they should be accomodating of the typical world cup crowd. Theres no excuse for being intolerant of the very fans you sought to lure in. There's definitely no excuse for not having suitable accomodation ready. They knew the timing and attendance is way down on what they were expecting given a large number of people are boycotting.


GreyLordQueekual t1_ixoakz8 wrote

Qatar doesn't really care about any of those things. They bought the limelight and are showing the things they want to show and do care about.