inksmudgedhands t1_ivk8q6s wrote
Saw a couple of "Poll watchers" this past Saturday at a poll in High Point. Two men and one woman. Wearing "poll watcher" shirts. Trying to look intimidating and failing terribly. All it did was make people pissed off and more determined to vote.
A year or two ago, people were intimidated by such MAGAs. Now people find them annoying and just want them gone. You can only make people scared for so long before than fear turns to anger. .....Yoda was right.
trelium06 t1_ivkire2 wrote
It’s true!
People assume those who are cowed by violence are cowards or weak, but in reality they’re just hoping the bully goes away without interaction. But when the bullies keep pressing, people will fight back, figuratively of course.
WeagleWobble t1_ivlchnj wrote
I had to bark a little at a "poll watcher" at a Wake County location last week during early voting to return to his seat. Seemed like he was trying to menace the man waiting in front of me, who just so happened to be a minority in a largely Caucasian area.
He lost every ounce of his bravado when just one person spoke up, just shuffled right off as fast as his septuagenerian body could shuffle. A LOT of them will fall back immediately if we start pushing back.
charlesfire t1_ivm90ir wrote
Having to watch the poll watcher... The American democracy is in a very sorry state right now...
WeagleWobble t1_ivmaorg wrote
I kind of wish we'd been able to get UN election monitors for this election, because there's been just entirely too much fuckery and I wish the global community cared as much about our right to vote being suppressed as it does other countries. But we made our mess, and I know it's ultimately up to us to clean it up by all rights.
notorious98 t1_ivkpamh wrote
I just read an article in Politico(?) about how political violence escalated during the 1850s when abolitionists had finally had enough of pro-slavery folks and began fighting back against them. It was, essentially, drawing parallels to today and equating the pro-slavery minority to the current conservative minority in tactics used and the response that we're likely to see moving forward based off of the response that happened back then.
[deleted] t1_ivm136e wrote
slashfromgunsnroses t1_ivlp9rg wrote
anger leads to... voting
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