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Dalisca t1_ivp7r4u wrote


charlesfire t1_ivpkqra wrote

Pretty much, yeah. That "joke" was made during a time where everyone was on edge about covid-19. Even if it's just intended to be a joke, what he said is very likely to incite some people to attack police officers. Assuming it really was a joke, I think the police response was exaggerated, but I still think they should have done something (warning maybe?).


Dalisca t1_ivpp0yd wrote

We have bigger problems than Covid if people can be incited to attack police officers over a comment regarding imaginary monsters.

Bombs are real. Fires are real. Zombies don't exist.


charlesfire t1_ivq5w2p wrote

>We have bigger problems than Covid if people can be incited to attack police officers over a comment regarding imaginary monsters.

Well, yeah. You have a big problem of people believing stupid shit like that. Remember pizza-gate? January 6th? The Michigan governor kidnapping plot?

>Bombs are real. Fires are real. Zombies don't exist.

1 - He never said police officiers were shooting zombies. He only made a comparison with police officers shooting zombies.

2 - The earth isn't flat, covid-19 isn't fake, essential oils don't cure cancer, dnd isn't a gateway to satanism, god isn't real and yet there's a lot of people people that believe the opposite of all of these things. Stop assuming people aren't stupid and gullible because that's not true. They are stupid and they are gullible.


17times2 t1_ivrr5cz wrote

> Remember pizza-gate? January 6th? The Michigan governor kidnapping plot?

Yes, all of them were the efforts of many people over months and months all building on each other's conspiracies. Pizzagate was 2 months of 4chan and qanon boards going ALL IN on the conspiracy; it dominated their boards. Subreddits were made here supporting it. Jan 6 had dozens of members of government circulating the conspiracy. The Whitmer kidnapping involved a militant group and 9 months.

A single post filled with emojis and hashtags like #saveusbradpitt on someone's personal account, and then being raided within 3 hours, is not anywhere close to an appropriate response.


charlesfire t1_ivryj9n wrote

>A single post filled with emojis and hashtags like #saveusbradpitt on someone's personal account, and then being raided within 3 hours, is not anywhere close to an appropriate response.

1 - You know that he's not the only one to post bullshit related to covid-19, right? There have been a shit ton of post on multiple social media platforms about "authorities turning tyrannical and kill people because covid-19" and most of them were totally serious.
2 - The article says "emoji", but doesn't elaborate and that can make a huge difference. There's a big difference between ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ”ซ ๐Ÿ‘ฎand ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ for example. They don't convey the same meaning at all.


17times2 t1_ivs5734 wrote

> You know that he's not the only one to post bullshit related to covid-19, right?

Sure, lots of people post BS about it. Social media is absolutely soaked in it. Despite that, none of my family, despite propagating conspiracies, have been arrested for it.

> most of them were totally serious.

And this one was not, supported by the cops not even being able to charge him with anything, not even with what they claimed they were arresting him for.


PuellaBona t1_ivq6u13 wrote

No, it wouldn't have. It was obviously a joke because ZOMBIES DON'T EXIST.


charlesfire t1_ivq78vn wrote


Maybe you should read what the guy fucking wrote.


PuellaBona t1_ivqdp06 wrote

Don't yell, dude. I guess that's why you keep putting joke in quotation marks. You don't really understand them.


[deleted] t1_ivqep60 wrote



PuellaBona t1_ivqifqm wrote

Have you tried meditation or getting off social media for a while? Being this angry cannot be good for your blood pressure.


charlesfire t1_ivqnbf7 wrote

Wow. Deflecting the conversation. Also, stop projecting. I'm not angry, I just think you're thick.