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errorwrong t1_iw9ezb5 wrote

Oooh, CANADA'S Ontario


HelpStatistician t1_iw9n6xx wrote

There's an Ontario (city) in like 7 states including California so just putting Ontario CA can be confusing.
Fun fact: Ontario California was named after Ontario Canada by the Chaffey brothers who established the town after moving from Ontario Canada


kairon156 t1_iwadfzg wrote

I take it no one thought to tell them "this could get confusing down the road."


HelpStatistician t1_iwanxew wrote

Well considering their main form of long distance communication was a letter delivered by horse... I don't think they did consider how the internet and instant worldwide communication might leads to problems with same name cities...


smitetheworld t1_iw9mcds wrote

There is an Ontario in California. Address is also Ontario, CA. Lol


razorirr t1_iwar8rn wrote

And for people in the USA, its basically 100% more important then the entirety of canada, since it is a major shipping hub on the west coast. You randomly see your box hit Ontario, CA and wonder for a sec why its in toronto :P


SalvageCorveteCont t1_iwb3jdf wrote

In Australia we mainly use three letter state abbreviations, helps avoid this. That said we also tend to use Aus instead of AU, so


BigPretender t1_iwbrpr8 wrote

Too bad. AU would have been gold.


X2F0111 t1_iwd9snn wrote

Amazing comment that I suspect will go over many heads. It deserves a gilding.


errorwrong t1_iw9n8yo wrote

I look forward to every building in Ontario California going up in the flames of a wildfire. Lol
