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UncrustabIes t1_ixpsc2q wrote

People buy Yeezys because of the name not the design


The-Male-G-Spot t1_ixpskkf wrote

Some do.

But most people will see a price drop for the same shoe everyone has been wearing for years and grab a pair.


acvg t1_ixq28v7 wrote

He definitely made them popular but it's not like most people are buying them because of him. More people have bought his shoes than his albums. It's just a very popular shoe right now.


UncrustabIes t1_ixq2cc5 wrote

Yea because they are Yeezy brand, no one looks at Yeezys and goes “man those adidas are sick”. Kanye’s has a cult following, yeah people will still buy the shoes, but not as many as you guys think


Reptardar t1_ixq7q1g wrote

As someone that doesn’t pay attention to this kinda stuff I didn’t even know adidas made Yeezys until this drama started.


Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixqbaan wrote

I feel like the sales will surely drop without his attachment to the brand/the hype he'd always bring. They're such absolutely hideous shoes when you take off the hype goggles. Looks like a project a middle-schooler would do in shop class, recycling a burlap potato sack into the uppers. Obviously just my opinion, but damn are they ugly shoes...


ironicart t1_ixqhpp9 wrote

As one of the few people who like how comfortable they are I’m gonna be stoked when they’re $100 less without the YE


RightZer0s t1_ixpwaq6 wrote

Lol nope. Definitely going to buy them now that they're not under Kayne's bitch ass. I'll be proud to wear them.
