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t1_ivsdimt wrote

i have no idea they made that statement. your arguing with me like i really care about these people or what they do.

ive seen the headlines in the news, and it comes across as bad press. thats what im commenting on.


t1_ivsxymy wrote

I have nothing against protesting for climate change because its an issue that needs to be solve, but these guys are being total dicks about it. Don't target the average person as there is jack shit we can really do about it. If you spent your entire life from the moment you were born till about age 70 you would save the world overall 1 second worth of carbon emissions, we produce so little compared to corporations its insane, they are the ones that need to be targeted not the average person who is just trying to get to work to earn a living.


t1_ivujd2v wrote

Historically, targeting oil lords makes them all kill-y. These days at best, if you're in a Western democracy country, you'd probably be blacklisted and buried to whatever extent possible.

Unfortunately making a ruckus among us is probably one of the most effective options, and if they believe their, and all our, lives are on the line I'm thankful it's at least this sort of thing.

Historically, nothing to lose mentalities for existential causes don't go well either. Shit, less on the line in the 70s and there were the bombing type of eco-terrorism. I'm honestly surprised we haven't hit that, but maybe it's just less lead in the air...