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SunCloud-777 OP t1_iwtnco4 wrote

  • A "game-changing" immunotherapy drug proven to delay the development of type 1 diabetes has been approved by regulators in the USA.

  • Experts say teplizumab marks a "new era" in treatment, tackling the root cause of the condition for the first time, rather than just the symptoms.

  • It works by reprogramming the immune system to stop it mistakenly attacking pancreatic cells which produce insulin.

  • In 2019, a trial showed the drug delayed some people at high risk of the condition from developing it for an average of three years.

  • Experts say this delay can be very significant, particularly for young people who would not have to take daily insulin or monitor their sugars as intensively for that period of time.

  • They suggest people could also spend more years with their blood sugars in a healthy range, offering more time to be protected from the complications of high blood sugars such as kidney or eye disease.

  • edit added: The monoclonal antibody teplizumab, which will be marketed under the brand name Tzield, from ProventionBio and Sanofi is given through intravenous infusion. The drug is approved for people who don’t have any symptoms of the disease and may not know they’re on the road to getting it.


eugene20 t1_iwu0noz wrote

I'm sure this will be cheap over there, just like insulin


eraser8 t1_iww7z3r wrote

A 14-day regimen, or a course of the drug would translate to a wholesale price of $193,900, the company said on a conference call.


Formergr t1_iwu2jlt wrote

This is very cool, but it’s not clear from the article how they’ll identify people to give this to, since it sounds like it really only works before there are real symptoms of T1 diabetes.


BluejayPure3629 t1_iwu4qc8 wrote

And keep in mind it just delays the onset, it doesn't prevent it. I would be more afraid of the immunosuppressant effect, just in time for the next covid wave, lol


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_iwuqqt7 wrote

T1 has two things involved with developing it. You need a genetic component and an environmental trigger. This can be obesity, disease, etc. but the genetic components is something that can be tested for.

Source: I'm a T1 diabetic.


slippery_eagle t1_iwuiilz wrote

Doctors can test for the presence of the gene (or in this case, lack of a particular gene). My son had the test done years ago because his sister has t1d. In her case it might not have helped because we were unsure of the family history.


redlude97 t1_iwut3or wrote

You test for autoantibodies, generally if you have 1, you're moderate risk. If you have 2 or more you are high risk


locusness t1_iwts4yi wrote

Fantastic, can't wait for the pharm companies to mark it up 2000%


420ipblood t1_iwuaeqn wrote

Insurance is your target, not the minds that actually developed the drug.


SunCloud-777 OP t1_iwtyhq0 wrote

here’s to hoping there will be an oversight that the public will not be gouge with exhorbitant cost. fingers crossed


Current-Direction-97 t1_iwtzgq6 wrote

lol. Are you new here to capitalism and the rampant nepotism? Profits will be maximized! The cost to society is of no concern.


SunCloud-777 OP t1_iwu09pk wrote

nope. just hopeful that those in authority will put the welfare of the public will be place above those of profit

edit: added word public


420ipblood t1_iwuagyy wrote

Must be nice living in the fantasy you call reality.


ToxicAdamm t1_iwuh64d wrote

As the father of a type 1 diabetic, I don't really understand the purpose of this drug.

Unless you have a pronounced history of it in your bloodline, and can be more proactive on checking it in your child, type 1 diabetes strikes out of nowhere. Mostly in childhood and it can be at any age. There are no real signs leading into it. By the time you notice changes in your child, it's too late.

edit: I understand the historical significance, in that it attempts to attack the root cause of the disease and maybe this is the first step in a long process to defeating it, but I just think the practical application of this particular drug is pretty useless.


slippery_eagle t1_iwuiqs4 wrote

I'm the mom of a t1d. She actually did show signs from birth. The doctors were fecking clueless and almost let her die.


ToxicAdamm t1_iwujirr wrote

In your case, this drug could've been great. So, maybe I'm being close-minded.

Maybe there is a future where (like how we treat HIV patients) there is a 'cocktail' of drugs that can delay T1 diabetes for decades. This is just one ingredient of that cocktail. That would be a goal worth pursuing.


pqrs234567 t1_iwv2wau wrote

I heard on a podcast a guy got checked after his child was diagnosed with type 1 and the dad found out he himself was likely to develop it as an adult. Adult-onset type 1 diabetes. So this would be perfect for him.


Toohigh2care t1_iwuj5f6 wrote

So how to they identify people at risk of type one? I didn’t know they could point out kids who are at risk of type 1. Hope in the near future science can come up with a cure.


oceanicfeels t1_iwuqzbj wrote

If the cost of the drug is less than the cost of insulin, and it has been proven to offset or otherwise prevent long-term risks and complications, then it is worth it.You also have to consider what are the long term consequences of using a drug like this. Does it suppress or otherwise deactivate elements of the immune system? This is something about monoclonal antibodies that I'd be interested to know.

It would be interesting also to gather more long-term data on a drug like this.


sticksnXnbones t1_iwurjrp wrote

Life changing means price gouging like insulin. Here is a new drug that can make immediate impact in peoples lives yet no one will be able to afford it.


justforthearticles20 t1_iwwdkcq wrote

Drug is so ridiculously overpriced that only the mega rich and their children will ever get it.


sugar_addict002 t1_iwwn70q wrote

Americans are officially fish in a barrel.