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DBMS_LAH t1_ixq2b71 wrote

Add to it most of if not all tesla recalls have been simple OTA software updates from my driveway. Source: I own a tesla.


noncongruent t1_ixrl3cp wrote

If Chrysler could do OTA updates Anton Yelchin would still be alive.


DBMS_LAH t1_ixrl699 wrote

Oh man. Gone too soon.


noncongruent t1_ixrlovu wrote

Yeah, I'm still pissed at that. Chrysler was slow-rolling the recall updates and hadn't gotten to his Jeep yet by the time he was killed, but did accelerate the recall, which could only be done in person at the dealership to upload the update. It still took them most of a year to get them all done. Honestly, vehicles by law should be mandated to have OTA update capability since that's a life-critical safety feature, as demonstrated by Anton's death.