Submitted by future_md_dropout t3_z4y9e1 in news
TWBush t1_ixtg6cs wrote
“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine”.
CheRidicolo t1_ixtpgst wrote
Son of a bitch!
[deleted] t1_ixu9yjp wrote
DeNoodle t1_ixtqoxj wrote
"I'd like to talk to you about your car's warranty"
FletchForPresident t1_ixu0sol wrote
"Send nudes"
GozerDGozerian t1_ixuzz1w wrote
“And my axe!”
[deleted] t1_ixvudly wrote
CaptainBirdEnjoyer t1_ixxojsh wrote
"You lost the game."
[deleted] t1_ixtlpgs wrote
[deleted] t1_ixtoj0z wrote
[deleted] t1_ixtv0k3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixu51nl wrote
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