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t1_iy8sfye wrote

This judge is to soft. Rehabilitating throat slashers isn’t going to work.


t1_iy8wdju wrote

> Snukal said sending Crane to a federal prison would just make him a further danger to society upon his eventual release.

This sounds like a judge who philosophically doesn’t believe in prison time for anyone, simply because it might make people more dangerous.

And yes. There’s some truth to that.

But we are currently at “this guy slashes the throat of strangers in cold blood”.

To me it’s not a question of whether jail will reform him or make him “worse” somehow.

You don’t “accidentally” find yourself slashing a stranger’s throat.

Whats needed here is a big dose of “specific deterrence” (locking up THAT offender so that HE can’t commit another crime in the future).

Shoplifting, petty theft, drug use, sure. Keep those folks out of jail and focus on rehabilitation. Those are often crimes of necessity.

But violent attacks like this are clear signs that someone is already so mentally unfit for society that institutionalizing them (by putting them in jail or a mental hospital for a long term) is the only option IMO.

The blood of the next victim of this career criminal will be on the judge’s hands.


t1_iy8xdu1 wrote

exactly. that logic will work for a check fraud artist or maybe even a petty weed dealer. I personally think prison does more harm than good in a lot of cases. But when you come out of the gate with a violent offense, that's where your ass needs to be!


t1_iy93955 wrote

Right? He's afraid prison would make someone willing to cut a throat maybe he cuts their throat AND says something to hurt their feelings?


t1_iya7qyw wrote

Spending time in prison will just give him plenty of spare time to learn where the major blood vessels are so he doesn’t miss again. That’s the danger that will come with more prison.


t1_iye2j2h wrote

You can find that information just by walking into a public library and looking at a copy of Gray's Anatomy.


t1_iy96my8 wrote

Sometimes we really do just need to separate certain people from society at large because they are a danger to society. I think that gets lost sometimes in the rehabilitation argument.


t1_iya11zf wrote

right. the judge should have slapped a dangerous offender tag on this fuckhead but thatd guarantee a cluster of caterwauling protesters and news coverage outside of court. you want out of jail, prove you’re not a danger.


t1_iy9hxzu wrote

Did either of you read the article? The perpetrator is nuts from fetal alcohol syndrome and has never received treatment for it. He's already been to prison for 6 years. He at least deserves one fair shot.


t1_iy9j9as wrote

I read the article.

And the bullshit of blaming FAS for violent acts against others insults folks who suffer from FAS.

FAS didn’t make this person slit a throat.

Why do I say that?

It is estimated that in Canada, more than 3,000 babies a year are born with FASD, and about 300,000 people are currently living with it.

How many do them slit throats on the subway?

If it’s 150,000 of them…sure, maybe it’s the FAS.

But it’s not.

Don’t be like the judge and blame FAS for this grown-ass man’s decision to attempt to kill someone. That’s on him.


t1_iy9t7xc wrote

I hate this argument, it’s used in a lot of mental health issues. Just because people have the same condition doesn’t mean they will present the same especially for conditions affecting the brain.

FAS very much can make someone more violent and aggressive just due to the parts of the brain it affects (pré-frontal cortex).

FÃS didnt make him slit the guys throat but it very much did contribute to it.

Not everyone with schizophrenia is violent (the vast, vast majority are not) but it can make someone who was previously non violent into being violent.


t1_iyah68j wrote

Since you read it so throughly tell me the disabled senior victims name.

JFC, get some perspective. FAS isn’t an excuse it’s a factor.


t1_iycyfpi wrote

It’s a huge reason why right wingers have so much sway. Left-leaning leadership in the US and Canada is too soft on crime. We can talk all day about the causes and horrible cost of living conditions but like, holy shit why is this guy not getting locked up for life


t1_iyaeau4 wrote

I think the law is too soft. The max is 2 years for murdering someone? That’s absurd


t1_iyap6ag wrote



t1_iyarbep wrote

He isn't from India.


t1_iyas1cs wrote



t1_iyas5go wrote

Ah, so you meant to use the racist epithet for Indigenous people then. Thanks for clarifying.


t1_iyasxq8 wrote

As per the Indian Act of 1876 (still in force today) it's the only term that bears any legal significance in Canada.


t1_iyau5gi wrote

Using the hard -R was totally socially acceptable 150 years ago. So was the organized mass kidnapping, rape, and murder of Indiginous kids by the Canadian government that that very same act created.

Maybe those aren't the standards you should be choosing to hide behind.
