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t1_iw1bnlg wrote

Hate to shit on parades but Banksy is a collective.. it’s probable that he contracted locals.


t1_iw2ulqu wrote

So Bansky is like Chihuly then or the old studio system with a senior artist lending his name and supervising the younger artists.


t1_iw2y7gl wrote

Yep, that is correct.

Unlike Chihuly and many other prominent artists the power in Banksy’s work lies mostly in the message- not the technical difficulty of his actual work.

The only thing that’s ever really got me thinking when it comes to Chihuly is how the hell do they transport all that glass on a regular basis and not shatter it all to hell 😂


t1_iw6htgd wrote

They glass is a lot stronger than it looks, but some pieces do break and chip in transport. They anticipate this, and make a whole lot of replacement 'just-in-case' pieces.

The team also has glass ovens that can be moved to location in case they have to make fresh pieces as they put an exhibit together.

Any piece that is chipped or broken or otherwise can not be used is to be destroyed completely. One day Dale himself was doing the honors of busting some glass rods in a parking lot and having a hard time getting the thickest pieces to split.

Source: friend worked at a museum while a Chihuly exibit was being set up and I got to meet the team


t1_iw80fb4 wrote

THIS is the content I’m here for!


t1_iw85iyp wrote

Glad to share.

Another fun thing about the exhibit is that while they were installing, a large portion of an adjacent parking lot was fenced off. The team had the ovens in that area and people could watch everyone work from outside the fence. There were a few times scheduled for interested people to come in and see the process up close while Dale and his students took time to teach people how they do everything.


t1_iw3odqi wrote

Banksy designs art via stencils for other people to go and get them setup.

Stencils for large outdoor art pieces has been the standard for a few decades now because you need to be quick to avoid police noticing.

It also adds a level of plausible deniability in that if Banksy or any other members of the collective get caught, it can always be played off as "We just got paid for this gig, that's all we know."


t1_iwctm0j wrote

Wait what? That means I can doodle something, pass it on as Banksy art for millions at a auction.


t1_iwd0wu5 wrote

You could try but you wouldn’t get very far. The counterfeit art market is indeed a massively pervasive issue. You would not be alone in your attempted fraud.

Banksy in particular used to be ripped off regularly- some fakes have earned more than $300,000 at auction. This is why he created his not-for-profit company “Pest Control”- to sell and authenticate his official works- the latter of which they do for only 65 euro- a brilliant move that makes the process accessible for anyone regardless of net worth. It also allows him to preserve his anonymity- something that would otherwise be difficult during typical validation processes.

All things considered, whoever is at the helm of the Banksy collective is more than just an artistic genius. They’ve proven themselves more than capable in many other less obvious ways.

I wouldn’t want to cross someone so formidable, personally 😂