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GaryofRiviera t1_iyifyx1 wrote

7 Years without an IG. What the fuck.

The people in Government that allow this to happen are sabotaging traitors.


starmartyr t1_iyjoq9z wrote

I'm not sure that it matters. Every time we audit the Pentagon we find that billions of dollars are unaccounted for and nobody is ever held accountable.


Aazadan t1_iysqlly wrote

Not for lack of trying. The Pentagon does try to account for the money, and in fact they can with enough looking. But it’s the most complex accounting system in the world, plagued with legacy systems that don’t talk to other legacy systems, doesn’t have a way to move those systems to newer systems, and so on.

A bunch of companies have tried to come in and build new accounting systems for the Pentagon, every single one of them has either dropped the bid after looking at the problem, or been unable to fix it.

It’s probably an unfixable problem.