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Daylightsavingstimes OP t1_iyluxfe wrote

>The Arizona secretary of state's office has been urging the county to complete certification by Thursday in order to avoid causing additional delays to preparations for the statewide certification of midterm election results. State officials have warned of the possible exclusion of the county's tens of thousands of votes from the official results if they are not certified by the board in time.

>Before backing down and voting to certify at the board's emergency meeting, Judd called herself "a rule-of-law person" who had to ultimately support making the election results official because of the court ruling and "my own health and situations that are going on in our life."

>"I am not ashamed of anything I did," Judd added.

She and Crosby damn well should be for trying to suppress voters. Ironic too considering they're both Republicans in a largely Republican-voting area.

But they hoped the exclusion (that they would have caused) would happen so they could turn to their constituents and scream, "See!? They don't think your vote matters!!"


good_luck_fucker t1_iymnsvq wrote

i think it's even more insidious. i believe the whole purpose was to sacrifice those seats (while having enough of a majority that it won't revert control of the house back to dems) in order to set the precedent that it was even possible for a county to not certify without suffering any consequences. the next step would be to use the fact that they got away with it in this case to refuse to certify democrat wins when and where it could change the outcome of a presidential election.


seesaw242 t1_iymxh8v wrote

I think it is/was more insidious than that actually. I'm guessing they are just trying to set the stage to pass legislation to take certification responsibilities away from county officials. Sacrifice a rep county so the rep legislature can push the pesky dem counties out as they choose in future elections. Set a precedent and then lean into it. I'm not sure if they just got too much pressure internally to follow through or if this was just the first skirmish testing the idea.