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cain071546 t1_j0928f4 wrote

This is so dumb, most people don't even cross way out in the desert where these walls are, they cross where there are towns on both sides of the border, where there are little to no fences/walls.

This shit is just a giant waste of time and money, 100% the funds used to create this wall helped line a local politicians pockets.


party_benson t1_j094vj9 wrote

Most just overstay their legal entry


azsnaz t1_j09bj5z wrote

So if they got in legally, what good does the wall do?


VAisforLizards t1_j0af7j0 wrote

Fucking nothing. It's all a grift. Rile up the base into rabid dogs telling them the Mexicans are taking their jobs and raping their children and then the republican leaders funnel state money to their friends that own the companies doing the work, those companies donate money to the politicians campaign and make sure that they stay in office so the grift can continue.


mellbs t1_j0abznf wrote

The biggest irony is- building walls in the southern deserts requires first building new roads and supply hubs in said deserts- which makes crossing them much easier...


count023 t1_j0a2y24 wrote

Not to mention you can buy 18 feet ladders very easily from nearly any hardware store for relatively cheap. These shipping containers are only 8.5 feet tall each, at a 2 stack high thats 17 tops.


Appropriate_Lack_727 t1_j0e097m wrote

Yeah, apparently even the Trump administration didn’t try to put a wall in that part of Arizona because there’s almost zero immigrant traffic there due to the remoteness of it.