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[deleted] t1_j20hd5w wrote


TerribleGramber_Nazi t1_j20hqma wrote

There’s quite a difference with locking people in factories and to accommodate their zero covid policy to have zero policy for covid.

Honestly feels like Xi is being dramatic like a teenager and taking their hands off the wheel completely to prove a point after their driving was criticized. “You don’t like how I’m steering? Fine! If YoU ReAlLy dOnT wAnT mE tO StEeRThE CaR!”


bertiebasit t1_j20hrji wrote

Internally….why have they suddenly decided now is the time to send their people abroad?


mrbaryonyx t1_j20nrzo wrote

yeah there's no big conspiracy: we're just now seeing what happens when a country with an enormous population, and economic connections to every corner of the globe, gets sick. at a certain point, the only thing that can stop that shit from happening again is to go full authoritarian with the lockdowns, and not only does nobody outside of China want that for its citizens, its still not really working


throwaway_0x90 t1_j20m8ro wrote

> Redditors: Spend months saying China should lifted restrictions and to live with COVID and to give people freedom

Nobody said that. People said ***give them effective vaccines*** and then let them have freedom.