xReshi92 t1_j1v38fk wrote
Texas having isolated power shortages is front-page news, but this massacre isn't? Selective outrage much?
For the record, I'm not defending the absurd bullshit we deal with in Texas from our government. Just find it interesting.
skilledwarman t1_j1vbjix wrote
The issues in Texas happened because the state fucked up and failed to properly maintain their grid. The issues in Buffalo happened because people under estimated a severe storm and got caught out
thegreatestajax t1_j1vhbr6 wrote
Underestimating a severe weather event is exactly what happened in Texas.
skilledwarman t1_j1vm1f0 wrote
Sure if you want to over simplify you could argue that
But one was decades of a government neglecting to properly maintain and keep up their states power grid while the other was people thinking that since they weathered the storm that dropped 7 feet of snow on them a couple weeks ago they'd be ready for this storm. People were caught out of their homes, were homeless and thought they could handle it without being at a real shelter or church, or got stuck out due to accidents
Not exactly the same thing
thegreatestajax t1_j1vor0f wrote
Speaking of oversimplifying…
If the TX event had happened a few weeks before or after, it wouldn’t have been as impactful. It was a once a century event that coincided with annual winter maintenance of plants to prepare for summer. Both were complex events.
[deleted] t1_j1wugxf wrote
Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_j1vkda9 wrote
Or they were homeless and they are not able to leave their cars and they don't have a home to go to.
holyerthanthou t1_j1v56be wrote
Hey at least our infrastructure works
FunkyMonkss t1_j1vjfbc wrote
New York State had a higher grid failure rate than Texas did during this storm so no your infrastructure didn't work
fattiesruineverythin t1_j1v7wv6 wrote
Why are so many people dying then?
skilledwarman t1_j1vbh93 wrote
Having heat and power at home doesn't matter if you get stuck on the side of the highway
FunkyMonkss t1_j1vjhiw wrote
A higher percentage of people in NY were without heat and power than Texas though
holyerthanthou t1_j1w8tqa wrote
NY has hurricane force winds and over 40” of snow mixed with sub zero temps
And it was back up for most within a day despite this.
In Texas it got chilly
[deleted] t1_j1vwz8r wrote
DapprDanMan t1_j1vhqhk wrote
Yeah at least in Buffalo we are safe in our homes, so long as our heat held out. Weren’t people literally freezing to death in their living rooms in Texas?
but sure enjoy that Texan Independence
Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_j1vk0qy wrote
Or your homeless. But then again just proves our infrastructure doesn't work not systematically. We have so many homeless people because we don't help people stay at homes.
Archberdmans t1_j1vb4dk wrote
They’re dying in the snow in cars
not in their houses cuz the powers out because it went below 20; they have tons of snow and -30 degree windchills in buffalo
damnthistrafficjam t1_j1vddcq wrote
I have a terrible feeling that by the time there’s a noticeable amount of snow that’s melted or cleared out, that the numbers will be worse. Thinking about those who maybe live alone without family or community support.
Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_j1vk3jy wrote
Yeah probably because they're homeless and don't have a home to go to which is a systematic failure of us.
fattiesruineverythin t1_j1vckcc wrote
They are stuck on the roads? That's part of infrastructure. And there are thousands without power in NY. They should fix their shitty infrastructure.
LivefromPhoenix t1_j1vd1tj wrote
What a stupid comment. Buffalo is actually a world leader in rapid snow removal, the issue here was primarily hurricane force winds making the cold much more dangerous than it usually would be. Unless you're suggesting NY break out their weather machines there's not much we can do about that. Texas' issues were connected to the politically motivated decision to keep their energy grid separate from the rest of the country.
fattiesruineverythin t1_j1vd7d0 wrote
NY isn't providing consistent energy to residents.
Archberdmans t1_j1vedpi wrote
Lmao everything’s some dumb political zero sum game isn’t it lmao
Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_j1vkba6 wrote
When the thing is very political itself then yeah of course it is. Do you think infrastructure is not political? Do you think the vast amount of homeless we have isn't political?
Archberdmans t1_j1vmaaa wrote
I think that a lot of things are political but at some point bad weather happens and buffalo isn’t unprepared due to politics, at least in terms of snow infrastructure compared to a lot of places. They’re probably one of the most prepared places in the lower 48 for snow.
Now the homeless problem isn’t unique to buffalo that’s a whole country problem but yeah I’ll give ya that homelessness is something we could easily avoid if we wanted to
[deleted] t1_j1v9di4 wrote
Fun-Gap4015 t1_j1vbr7w wrote
You didn't read the headlines because this is front page news. Why are you trying to make terrible deaths an us vs them thing?
happyscrappy t1_j1va6ti wrote
I didn't see that Texas stuff on the front page. While this literally is on the front page of the NY Times right now. First item below the headline Southwest schlimazel.
[deleted] t1_j1vdjxw wrote
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