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rickylong34 t1_j1v431b wrote

No one should have died from this storm we knew it was coming 2 weeks out, the us needs to get it shit together we handle way more snow and lower temps here in Canada with no deaths and less $$


ComradeMoneybags t1_j1v7ept wrote

Buffalo resident here. The city advises other cities around the world on rapid snow removal, but this was a whole new level of batshit insane weather, almost all of fueled by wind and lake effect snow. Last month some of us had seven feet of snow dropped on us in a day, but shrugged off as usual. The extreme lack of visibility from the wind (basically a hurricane with snow), which we aren’t prepped for, in narrow streets is what made the situation a nightmare. This isn’t a US thing, New York thing or even Erie County thing, just an alignment of circumstances such as geography (this was a ten mile thin corridor, where anywhere outside of it was relatively untouched), as well as poverty and income inequality issues that made this weekend so deadly.


Team_Ed t1_j1vdoum wrote

Canadian here. I’d hazard to guess that no major Canadian city has ever been hit with anything close to a comparable blizzard to what Buffalo just went through.

More snow? Maybe somewhere in the Rockies. Buffalo airport is at 50” through today, which is way more than double the single storm records in Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Regina and Toronto. St. John’s is the only major city I can find with a comparable record.

Colder? Yes.

But full blizzard conditions with Cat. 1 winds for 36+ hours?

I genuinely doubt that’s ever happened in any major Canadian city, and when big historic blizzards have hit, they also killed a bunch of Canadians, too.

Really, the lake effect conditions that caused this storm basically do not exist anywhere there’s a Canadian city over 100,000.

The only thing comparable might be a big winter nor’easter on the Atlantic coast.


AKravr t1_j1veu1t wrote

Yep, Here in Alaska we got hit by even higher winds and colder temps last week but it was a week after the 40" inches of snow. So while we had 16ft snow drifts we didn't have everything all at once.


rukh999 t1_j1v6fq0 wrote

This is some nonsense. This was a century level storm. Part of the problem is Buffalo deals with storms all the time so people thought they could run home on the leading edge but it hit so hard and suddenly they got caught. It wasn't just the snow, it was complete whiteout conditions were people were getting lost going outside in their own neighborhood and 70 mph wind gusts where the snow was all coming in sideways. The killer was even the emergency vehicles built to get places would try to get to emergencies and all got stuck. There were no emergency services and a lot of the first deaths were due to that. You have a heart attack, well that's too bad. Lose power in 11 degree weather, or your windows break from the hurricane winds, hope you figure it out.


Famous1107 t1_j1v7kx5 wrote

I thought this. Warning was set for 7 am, I went out for supplies at 5 am thinking I got time. Almost didnt make it back.


Express_Helicopter93 t1_j1vcxft wrote

Yup. Way less $, way worse infrastructure…and in Winnipeg it regularly gets to -45 with that wind and shit ton of snow. I know it’s being called a “storm of the century” but come on, you know thats just the media. We get these “storms of the century” basically every winter. Rarely do we have people die here as a result of a winter storm, let alone 20+, that is pathetic. Poor planning or something, that shouldn’t happen.


Team_Ed t1_j1vgkyq wrote

Find a time Winnipeg has ever had a storm this bad let alone every winter.

Up to 40-50” of snow with hurricane force winds for 36 hours has never happened in Winnipeg, and the worst Winnipeg has had absolutely shut down the city just like Buffalo.

Take 1966: The City of Winnipeg said the blizzard lasted 20 hours, dropping 35.6 cm of snow on top of the city. Winds gusted up to 113 km/h. At the Winnipeg airport there was zero visibility for 14 consecutive hours.

Buffalo’s storm was waaaaaay worse in every measurable way.


Express_Helicopter93 t1_j1vqc6z wrote

Waaaay colder in Winnipeg. And yes it has happened in Winnipeg, nice try though.

Don’t take it personally, I’m insulting your government, not you.


Team_Ed t1_j1vs2gp wrote

When? Other than cold — which yes, that was a dumb oversight — not according to your official records.

(I’m Canadian by the way)