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Kalepsis t1_j2061im wrote

They should double the tax.


Dieg_1990 t1_j22wsvd wrote

Agree, on top of the windfall tax the EU should pass another tax for any company that denies climate change or funds it indirectly directly. Let those assholes bear the cost of fixing the shit they created.

Edit: as it seems to cause some keyboard warriors to go bananas


Fickle-Presence6358 t1_j235x65 wrote

Surely pretty much EVERY company in the world indirectly funds climate change? Like, even the local takeaway probably does it indirectly.


Dieg_1990 t1_j23fkq6 wrote

Causing and funding are two very different terms


Fickle-Presence6358 t1_j23gal7 wrote

But INDIRECTLY funding would apply to practically every business and individual.

You fill your car up? Indirectly funding climate change. Pay for heating? Indirectly funding climate change.

This isn't saying that they shouldn't add more taxes to those oil companies. But they're pretty directly funding climate change, whereas the rest of the world is indirectly funding it.