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BoldestKobold t1_j0vvqng wrote

> "Medical care in particular is spotty at the Bahamian prison, the report said. The former billionaire was transported from one of his several multi-million dollar penthouse homes to the prison last week — though Bankman-Fried was entitled to his own room in the medical wing, Bloomberg reported."

I'm always impressed how many white collar criminals immediately seem to develop medical conditions that demand special treatment the instant they are facing consequences for their actions. Meanwhile poor defendants die on jailhouse floors after being left paralyzed for days.


celtic1888 t1_j0vxza0 wrote

We’ll see him pushing himself in a walker soon enough

Too bad he can’t get pregnant for jury sympathy like Holmes did


KennanFan t1_j0ymmhx wrote

While he was still free, he should have tried walking around town in a bath robe while muttering nonsense to himself like a Mafia boss who knows he's about to be indicted.


dopef123 t1_j0w2a6d wrote

Well if you watch interviews with SBF he is shaking in all of them and pictures of his desk had prescriptions on them.

I do believe he has some anxiety, depression, ADD issues. But obviously those aren’t serious medical conditions that are going to kill you overnight


milkandbutta t1_j0wavq5 wrote

>those aren't serious medical conditions

They can be and are for many millions of people. At the same time,

>that are going to kill you overnight

this is simultaneously accurate. We don't need to diminish the significance of mental health issues writ large to accurately describe the immediate potential lethality if left untreated or under-treated in the short term.


dopef123 t1_j0wj5sj wrote

They’re serious but also probably issues basically every prisoner has. So I’m not sure how he plans to get any preferential treatment with them


milkandbutta t1_j0wmp2k wrote

Certainly, and I'm not taking issue with that aspect. Mostly at the language choice that minimizes the significance of mental health issues, intentional or otherwise


dopef123 t1_j0xskog wrote

I have depression and anxiety and they definitely ruined my life haha. So I think maybe I just didn't write things out clearly.

Although I've seemed to have gotten over both mostly finally. Took like 20 years though