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t1_j27u2t9 wrote

i mean, didnt america kinda just give up on covid protocols? if youre vaxxed, youre good, if you arent, youre fucked. who cares if chinese travelers have covid, aint like america is free from covid lol


t1_j27vkt1 wrote

I can't tell if yo're joking or just representing jackassery. How many vaccinated people do you know that have been re-infected? America thinks it's out of the fire and nobody is wearing masks. Someone, just one person, from someplace ELSE where the covid trump virus strains are different will spread a new contagion that our immune systems ain't used to. A new variant, a new sub variant, it doesn't matter- most Americans are treating this like a done deal and so will be caught offguard and with their masks down.


t1_j27w24c wrote

thats kinda my point lol. unless you live in a cabin in the woods completely isolated from society, you cant escape covid, so worrying about some covid infected travelers is a moot point because you would have to worry about everyone everywhere as thats where covid is


t1_j27ye4a wrote

Please look up Measles vs Measles outbreaks vs Measles vaccination numbers and why we have multiple versions of the Flu vaccine each year. I get your point but what the average American deals with AIN'T the same as what's coming out of China right now. Whether or not you believe in teh Butterfly Effect, doesn't mean that something growing, incubating and changing, on the other side of the globe doesn't affect us is asinine!


t1_j27wc2w wrote



t1_j27y21x wrote

If you're linking Fauci to an either/or approach for either, then I'm gonna have to dismiss your argument as partisan and against the greater Human good. I detest how fucked up the initial months of response confused and paved the road for confusion but Science and Medicine are bigger and better things than fucking politics and local jingoism, so I'm always gonna be a proponent of masks AND vaccines. Now, having said that, humans are gonna kill ourselves. And there are too goddamn many of us for the planet to support in the meantime, so anyone who eschews masks or vaccines, knowing you fuck yourselves and your neighbors, I applaud your heroic efforts!! Bravo, count more supernumerary humans off the lopsided list and keep up the good work! You are working for a brighter future!


t1_j28gceo wrote

Partisan? You literally just called it the trump virus. Self awareness...


t1_j2arsaa wrote

Yes, I am totally partisan against that guy that demonized Fauci and a scientific approach to dealing with a problem he couldn't hack. The joker had no business being president and continues to mislead people to this day.