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PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iz7ae5m wrote

If law enforcement did their job after the bomb threat, the shooter would’ve had a harder time getting the guns.


AgentDaxis t1_iz7q0qr wrote

I'm sure the cops shared the same ideology as the shooter.


[deleted] t1_iz7e7lg wrote



Saba_Ku t1_iz7fbfw wrote

That's not how that works. Nobody presses charges but the prosecutor. The mother can not cooperate, but she has no actual hand in the filing of charges.


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iz7ffal wrote

According to Colorado law they didn’t need the mother to press charges.

You’re saying the cops returned the guns he used in the shooting?

Edit : Such a troubling case — dropped or not — could still have been used to trigger Colorado’s “red flag” law, which allows family members or law enforcement to ask a judge to order a removal of guns for a year from people dangerous to themselves or others, with possible extensions based on subsequent hearings.


PirbyKuckett t1_iz7frrp wrote

I’m not positive but can’t the law enforcement officer still file for the red flag law because he was a danger to himself or others?