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ChelseaHotelTwo t1_j1x8ay0 wrote

You can always plow roads. Power you can luve without for a bit. Ambulances will have escorts to get where they need if visibility is 0.


Full-metal-parka t1_j1yqpsk wrote

Fucking bullshit. You can’t clear a road when the wind is blowing that fucking hard. One foot of snow in normal winds can cause drifts of 6-8ft all on their own. Multiply that by 4 and you’ve got a real fucking problem.

It’s like trying to use a bucket to drain a lake.

You clearly have zero idea what you’re on about.


ChelseaHotelTwo t1_j1ys2v2 wrote

Here major roads will be cleared regularly during the snowstorm even with blowing snow covering up the road. Then all roads are cleared after the wind dies down. Happens regularly in many Norwegian cities and never experienced this level of drama/panic here. If you're in a city and get stuck in your car you leave it and seek shelter. If you're inside you just stay in for the duration of the storm and you'd have bought enough food to last a day or two before because you live in a place where paying attention to the weather is important. If you lose power you put on more clothes and light a fire. It just seems to me bad infrastructure combined with too many people having no clue how to cope with a lot of snow or panicking because of it leads to a worse situation than it should be.


Full-metal-parka t1_j1yxm1f wrote

You’re making a lot of assumptions that are baseless and rather silly.

People pay attention to the weather but this is was an absolute freak storm that some of the people who died in their cars were not old enough to have ever experienced.

Leaving the car is the last thing you’re told to do here because 9/10 it’s better to stay put. Especially in blizzard conditions, in unfamiliar landscape. Could they have found a house? Maybe. Could they also have died getting turned around and lost in 0 visibility? very likely

You’re discounting that many people were traveling home for the holidays or going home from essential jobs (a nurse) rather than just jumping out to the store for a head of lettuce or whatever.

No amount of snow plowing is going to clear roads during an ongoing blizzard with the snow conditions what they were. Not happening here, not happening anywhere. It’s just physics.