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code_archeologist t1_j1vmbg8 wrote

Wow... the level of privilege dripping from that statement is ridiculous. I am going to guess you have never served. And have never been in a situation where people were fighting for the survival of their home and family. And you obviously have never lived fearing what might come the next day because the people across an imaginary line have rifles, artillery, and missiles pointed at you.

How comforting it must be to live in that blissful ignorance and not having to exert any empathy towards those who live on the knife's edge.


ritzk9 t1_j1vylij wrote

Funny you talk about empathy but don't extend the same to him. It's "imaginary line" when convenient to antagonize the offending country but when someone doesn't want to risk their life for some imaginary line they're a privileged blissfully ignorant sociopath.

Home is more about your family and your people. I would very much rather have all of them moved to another country safely than risk to protect the plot of land you call "home". Even If it's privileged it's also the most understandable and normal point of view


Cold-Stock t1_j1w7xp2 wrote

I mean, the advantage of volunteers having zero training when they are most needed must be an advantage Taiwan is missing