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DaveFromBPT t1_j24c6cv wrote

Ban self driving vehicles


PistachioNSFW t1_j24dmht wrote

Ironically, most self driving cars use LiDAR so fog wouldn’t affect them. Only Tesla relies solely on optics.

Edit: to stop the pedantics below, water vapor in the air can affect LiDAR, it still functions though and considerably better than a human or an optical camera in fog.


Staple- t1_j24kkn3 wrote

Lidar really doesn't work any better than regular cameras in foggy conditions. You would need radar for that.


nuked24 t1_j24ynr3 wrote

>downvoting the comment that's right

Never change, reddit.


PistachioNSFW t1_j2517mc wrote

That’s cause he’s wrong. LiDAR is less effective when there is water (in this case vapor) to scatter the lasers but it’s way better than an optical camera and in turn way better than an eyeball.


Staple- t1_j25ev4q wrote

Some lidar solutions can work better than others. But in my experience most automotive lidar solutions still have issues in foggy and dusty conditions.


Pilotom_7 t1_j24drzb wrote

Au contraire - self driving cars have the possibility of “talking” to one another and “knowing” where the other cars are even if visibility is bad …


nuked24 t1_j24ykgm wrote


Yeah, and it's basically dead. No one does it and they've started using the bandwidth spectrum set aside for other things iirc


Pilotom_7 t1_j25e223 wrote

It has so many advantages. Its bound to Happen. Fir example, if there is a major accident a mile ahead, your car will know and Look for an alternative path. A pothole ahead, all cars will avoid it.