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EightandaHalf-Tails t1_j1g2536 wrote

How is active shooter training for LGBTQ+ venues different than active shooter training for non-LGBTQ+ venues..?

It's a person shooting other people, who cares who they're having sex with...


CinderPetrichor t1_j1g8as5 wrote

I work at one of those venues. They are offering training for the employees, not the police. It's so we know what to do in the situation.


Art-Zuron t1_j1glk0v wrote

What good would it do training the police to protect people from mass shooting? /s (except not really since they actually won't do anything about it apparently)


Rawnblade12 t1_j1g2j1o wrote

Well considering how police are, they have to drill it in their skulls that you DON'T shoot the LGBTQ people.


jaytrade21 t1_j1hr4tm wrote

Nah, they are just going to bring out a machine guns that kills everyone and then blame the "shooter" for all the deaths and then hi-five themselves and go for a beer before they go home and beat their spouses.


YaGirlKellie t1_j1id3dh wrote

That's more or less how the biker shootout in Waco went. Police still haven't revealed how many innocent people they shot that day.


ProjectMoonsong t1_j1g46yy wrote

The difference is that LGBTQ+ venues, and venues that are supportive of LGBTQ+ (like Libraries) have been increasingly the target of violence, threats, and shootings, so it makes sense to devote some funding to provide active shooter training.

It's the same reason why schools have those active shooter drills. The system is sick and politics are fucked, so it's not possible to stop every maybe shooters, but you can at least train people in targeted sectors to hopefully reduce the potential number of casualties.


km89 t1_j1in2qg wrote

I don't think the point was an "all lives matter" equivalent, but more "what's different about LGBT+ places that requires different training than any other club?"

If there's separate training, it's because there's something different about the process requiring a different curriculum. But it's not like gay clubs tend to be open spaces while straight clubs tend to have lots of rooms and hallways or something.

Regardless, the question's based on a misunderstanding. They're training employees of the venues at risk, they're not training police officers on LGBT+-specific tactics.


DragonPup OP t1_j1g3ae4 wrote

> How is active shooter training for LGBTQ+ venues different than active shooter training for non-LGBTQ+ venues..? > >

Non LGBTQ+ venues are not specifically targeted by crazed right wing murderers.


[deleted] t1_j1g5njp wrote



bananafobe t1_j1g6yhy wrote

"Not specifically targeted" doesn't mean immune.


Gay_Genius t1_j1g5zhw wrote

Ariana Grande is beloved by the gay community and her concert usually have a high number of lgbtq people in attendance and she is very vocal in her support of the community.


bananafobe t1_j1g7mpu wrote

It's in response to an increase in anti-LGBTQ+ violence, not about a specific response for LGBTQ+ venues.

Presumably they're offering them the kind of training they usually offer to schools, churches, etc.