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PuraVida3 t1_j1glyd6 wrote

I work for a local judiciary. I've had to be trained how to survive in an active shooter situation. Why do I have to have a training? Why am I not being protected by my government? I can go buy a gun and that requires no training. Fuck you!


Absolutely_N0t t1_j1hwebf wrote

If you’re carrying a gun you absolutely need training


PuraVida3 t1_j1hzs7n wrote

Nobody said anything about carrying you ignorant twat.


Machinor14 t1_j1k1mcf wrote

Then what is the gun doing? Sitting on a shelf at home?


PuraVida3 t1_j1kzwip wrote

You don't understand the constitution.


Machinor14 t1_j1l05qr wrote

I would consider untrained people to not count as "A well regulated Militia"