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oxero t1_j0h8eft wrote

Yeah, and the North Atlantic Ocean circulation which is what triggered the whole disaster in the movie, is also starting to slow down and could completely stop this century. While the movie completely blew everything out of proportion such as Hollywood likes to do for entertainment, it still means we are going to get more and more severe weather randomly.


PenguinSunday t1_j0hv1wi wrote

It's the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC for short). Not just the North, the whole ocean.


oxero t1_j0jbqe0 wrote

Yes, making a quick comment can only get me so far off my memory. Thank you.


Ok-Chart1485 t1_j0iadyu wrote

And the northern cycling is threatening to cut out too! (Can't recall the right name, it's the one going through the Barents straight)