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Electrical_Tip352 t1_j1545ns wrote,different%20from%20the%20original%20usage.

Here you go buddy. No one is talking about one person just deciding a word isn’t bad 😂. The meanings of words literally changes over time in a society.


TheOccultist t1_j1562gj wrote

Yes, obviously I realized there's a precedence. And that has often gone on to lead to more stupidity and ambiguity. Look at the word literally. It literally does not mean literally anymore and this literally is a sentence that doesn't make sense.


Electrical_Tip352 t1_j15c50u wrote

Lol. I literally get what you’re saying. Hahah.


ScottIPease t1_j16h31w wrote

and here I am literally wondering if they are a literal troll, or literal moron...