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WonderWall_E t1_j20vxd2 wrote

Here's the entire section of Title 42 pertaining to the case:

>§265. "Suspension of entries and imports from designated places to prevent spread of communicable diseases >Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose." (July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title III, §362, 58 Stat. 704.)

If you can show me where that rests on any sort of emergency declaration, you'll convince me. Until then, you can drop the bullshit you're spouting.


enkonta t1_j211eok wrote

Fair enough, I deleted my prior response...I was under the impression that HHS needed a state of emergency to have the power delegated to them. Regardless....I think it's a little disingenuous for each party to argue out of both sides of their mouth when talking about the state of Covid.