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Wads_Worthless t1_j1aarav wrote

Honestly I knew a few kids whose parents sent them to places like this ~15 years ago, and it’s not nearly the evil thing you’re making it out to be. The decision to do it was hard as fuck on the parents, and in each case it came after they had tried over and over to use softer/better methods. A lot of the times the only possible outcomes at that point are the kids get gooned by the facilities, or gooned by the cops straight to juvy.

I think, done right, these facilities can be a good thing for troubled kids. The problem is a lot of stuff is coming out now about how some of them do really fucked up stuff, which most of the time the parents didn’t know about.


Mackooba t1_j1bbbg3 wrote

Hey, I went to some of these programs when I was younger. There was a strong theme among the kids I met, myself included, that a lot of the them came from very emotionally abusive or straight up dangerous situations. And I dont have any pity for the parents. 90% of the parents are people who like the idea of raising children but without the follow through. They talk about how hard it is on the parents, but those are adults, the kids really suffer in the long term unless they get extremely lucky with which program they enter. At the end of the day, these programs are a business. And the saddest part is, the "really fucked up stuff" isn't even hidden from a lot of the parents, the parents just don't care.


jmeesonly t1_j1bo0s6 wrote

Nah, fuck that. Those places should burn to the ground.