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code_archeologist t1_j10d7ez wrote

"Masked Gang" is a weird euphemism for a group of FSB assets.


MitsyEyedMourning t1_j10eltx wrote

Only makes sense since the "diplomatic" targets Finland is dealing with are agents.


strugglz t1_j10m8gq wrote

It's more polite than "Russian thugs." I get a feeling this would not have happened unless Russia was OK with the consequences.


Kotimainen_nero t1_j10ykjk wrote

They probably just get some loosers form nearby bar to do this.


Flaky-Fish6922 t1_j12z4cw wrote

well, yeah.

where do you think they recruit FSB agents from? the morgue?


Sanpaku t1_j12y8pd wrote

Hammers are a Wagner signature.


[deleted] t1_j15xw30 wrote

Yes, there’s an infamous video of Wagner beating a bound man to death with a sledgehammer. The day after the European Commission voted to add Russia to a list of states who backed terrorism, Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin sent the EC a sledgehammer. Hmmm, wonder what that meant? Dinner, perhaps?


sudeepharya t1_j13hxie wrote

Wouldn't hammers and sickles be more appropriate to throw instead?