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Ok-Hunt6574 t1_j191594 wrote

Yeah because someone who stole billions isn't a flight risk.....


cloud_coder OP t1_j195jzj wrote

More like she/they flipped, will testify and SBF will take the fall.


barrinmw t1_j19lo43 wrote

They better still get jail time. She was in charge of the actual fund that was at the source of all the fraud.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j19q13e wrote

Honestly it’s possible she was behind most of it. The info access from alameda to FTX was pretty one way and SBF continues to maintain he is confused and doesn’t know shit.

Is this stupid, yes, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility that she set him up to fall after she embezzled the funds. If the government feels the same she’ll still get jail time but this also depends on what text messages and shit she’s given them though.


Rezhio t1_j1co3lp wrote

Go see Coffeezilla lasted video on the subject. He knew.


whowantstotouchit t1_j1aton9 wrote

It’s bro culture, if she did not follow along, she would’ve been fired. She was simply following directions.


hotmessexpress44 t1_j1c0o9d wrote

Pfft, he's a white collar criminal. He's going to get maybe 5 years in prison and get let out early because of good behavior or prison overcrowding.


cloud_coder OP t1_j1drumt wrote

Oh if it was a State charge that's be true but the Feds are entirely different. 85% mandatory sentence time (no let go for good behavior or overcrowding). They also really hate international wire fraud and identity theft. This is on a massive scale, the number of victims in huge.

Anyone know how many victims they can document?


keksmuzh t1_j19gne9 wrote

Both already pled guilty to several counts and are cooperating in the investigation. For cases like this I imagine their passports have been suspended/flagged so they can’t travel internationally.


mot258 t1_j19lwvo wrote

People on this level use private airfare, they aren't getting screened when they leave places.


Crizbibble t1_j1afsi4 wrote

Plus they probably have a Malta or a Moldovan backup passport.


KerPop42 t1_j190cdh wrote

So that anyone doesn't misunderstand: bail let's you dodge jail, not prison. They would still have a court date it would be illegal for them to miss.

Also, American jails are in horrific condition even though the people they hold are only accused, not convicted


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j195e7i wrote

Redditors are 100% for bail reform, until it’s someone they don’t like, then they want summary executions.


avcloudy t1_j1d0wnb wrote

I don’t think it’s an inconsistent position. It’s a problem that poor people, without resources, are denied bail or required to submit to predatory terms to post bail. Simultaneously it’s a problem that the extremely rich, with resources to flee, are routinely granted bail.


officerfett t1_j190rgx wrote

A sure way to avoid American jails, as well as prison is to not steal billions of dollars. Send all their privileged asses to county lockup.


KerPop42 t1_j191qh8 wrote

It certainly helps, but the only sure way to avoid American jails is to not be accused by the police. People in jail are still legally innocent, but often have to deal with lack of heat or ac, and lack of medicine.


swizzlemc2pots t1_j19c279 wrote

Love me some constant 68 degrees, lights always on, and an uncensored public toilet few feet away. Glorious


KerPop42 t1_j19ebaw wrote

14 people have died this year alone from the conditions at Rikers Island. Waiting for trial. If you want photos, here they are. In the hallways, the stench burns your eyes.

The lights do not turn off. You have to drink water with your hands, and you are not provided soap. You have to share your 7 x 6 cell with 3 other people. There is only one bench, so you have to sleep on the ground. They give you plastic sheeting as blankets.


cloud_coder OP t1_j195nht wrote

Yeah amazing how people don't get the justice system.


cloud_coder OP t1_j19vn8o wrote

SBF just made bail $250M !!!


Check out the smirk on his face !!! More Charlie Manson than stupid crypto-bro.
Also for those that don;t know how bail works. He either had to pledge $250M in cash or property OR he had to put 10% bond down ($25 million) which WILL NOT be returned.
Someone with deeeeep pockets wants him out. Someone wants him happy and quiet.
Waiting for the next shoe to drop.


[deleted] t1_j19ws8p wrote



flexcabana21 t1_j1aakfk wrote

His parents used their house valued at $25 million. remember it's 10%.


knd775 t1_j1dd8am wrote

No it’s not. You either pay the entire amount directly and get it back afterwards, or you pay 10% to a bail bondsman and never see it again.


cloud_coder OP t1_j19cfrs wrote

"In return, the pair conceded their role in supporting an $8 billion fraud that left millions of customers without their investments and destabilized the crypto industry."