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happy_the_dragon t1_j6dczr9 wrote

American here. Do… do we not like Turkey? The only thing I concretely know about the country is that I have a vintage teaser from there.


_Panacea_ t1_j6di3j3 wrote

Turkey was a secular ally of the US. Now it's a religious authoritarian shitshow.


fuck_the_fuckin_mods t1_j6gz0kr wrote

We don’t like authoritarian wannabe dictators like Erdogan. The Philippines is an ally too for example, but… well… their leaders lately are so far beyond fucked that it’s almost comical. The only thing I have against the citizens of these countries is that they allowed this to happen (or worse, supported it). FWIW I’m not a huge fan of the general populous here in the US for the exact same reasons.


DuckDuckJeeper t1_j6f6lwu wrote

American here as well. The Americans that I run with would give the shirt off their back to someone needing help. The only exception might be if the person is a wife abusing, child exploiting, extremist douche.

That said, Turkish citizens who aren’t wife abusing, child exploiting, extremist douches should consider themselves welcomed regardless of how flighty Erdogan might behave.