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messem10 t1_j506vy8 wrote

> “You can’t take that. It might be my friend’s, he was in here earlier.” I’m sure a lot of people were in there earlier!

Earlier this year I also found a $50 bill on the ground at a nearby well-to-do mall. Since I didn’t see who dropped it and there isn’t another a way to verify ownership, I just kept it. Was the largest amount I’d found like that before.

I feel bad for the elderly woman here as it becomes a case of “finders keepers” as cash is basically a bearer document.


Maliagirl1314 t1_j507jam wrote

Exactly. It would be one thing if she would have seen the money fall out of somebody's purse or pocket. But to see it laying on the ground, it is absolutely finders keepers. What is she supposed to do go to everyone in the store and ask who does this belong to? The really sad thing is that the woman was so happy when she found it. She told the cashier oh it must be my lucky day! And the cashier immediately told her she couldn't take it. Absolutely ridiculous. Even after the other two co-workers were involved they knew they couldn't at that point take the money. Unless one of them was going to do it. But they still kept at it because she was just so mad that that woman wouldn't just give it up to her when she asked. I mean I can't believe they would act this way over $50. Like a bunch of animals. That poor woman


rabidstoat t1_j515qw0 wrote

A twenty dollar bill fell out of my pocket once. I was standing in a line and the person behind me noticed (I hadn't) and picked it up and gave it back to me.


Dragona33 t1_j51ojbs wrote

These people aren't animals. Animals DO NOT act like that. These are wastes of life, masquerading as humans.


If I had witnessed this, I would have paid for her purchases and gave her an additional $50. This woman obviously needed that money, as she was so happy to find it.


Maliagirl1314 t1_j51zo57 wrote

Absolutely. That's what is so heartbreaking. She must have been so confused. She even refused the owners assistance to help with the bail money and $50 since those a**holes stole it from her. She said she's afraid this will happen to her again :(


Easy-Concentrate2636 t1_j51aves wrote

For awhile, I lived in a neighborhood with an active nightlife. Inevitably, I would come across dollar bills or even twenties on the street. I wasn’t going through not take that or ask random strangers if it belonged to them. If I see the bill being dropped by someone, I would definitely ask. Otherwise, it’s finders keepers.


razialx t1_j50y4gg wrote

When I was in third grade I found a $50 bill on the ground in a rite aid parking lot. For the next few hours I lived like a god. My brother and friend and I bough so much candy. Then we walked to garage sales and bought things like golf clubs and records which we took to the woods and destroyed. We were out of control. Might have been the best day of my childhood.


Beard_o_Bees t1_j50x8mx wrote

The best thing I ever found was a blue water-proof tube containing a one-hitter pipe, ~1/4 oz of high quality (for the time) weed and $120.00 in cash.

It was like a gift from the Gods, since I was a super-broke student at the time.


DevoidSauce t1_j51617z wrote

Jeff, the God of Chilling TF Out hath blessed you that day.


tokes_4_DE t1_j51ajxv wrote

Festival groundscores were my favorite part of the last day of camping fests. At tomorrowworld in georgia it POURED its ass off the last 2 days so everyone left and abandoned their shit. There were giant piles of tents and abandoned camping supplies everywhere, so i went diving. Left with a recharable 72 hour 4 outlet power supply, brand new tent, tarps, etc. But the best was this book with a lockbox inside i found, got it open and found a bunch of drugs, and like 800 bucks in cash. Covered all my festival expenses and then more.


Witchgrass t1_j51gg27 wrote

This is why I always volunteer to do trash pickup and cleanup on the last day of music festivals in exchange for free tickets


tokes_4_DE t1_j51q830 wrote

Yeah cleanup at big fests is always worth it, especially ones that draw an international audience. So many people will buy camping equipment, supplies, etc and then just abandon it all at the fest grounds when its over. All my newest tents and camping equipment are groundscores from fests, have enough equpement for a whole crew to camp.


NetherPortals t1_j52epes wrote

At a festival I lost 3000$ in a pair of pants I took off in the forest and found it when I went back 4 months later to search for them.


Maliagirl1314 t1_j52se0c wrote

Who would leave that kind of money over some rain? Lol It could be a damn mudslide and you better believe I'm getting my money. LOL. $800? No way I'm leaving that :)


tokes_4_DE t1_j52t4s8 wrote

People on lots of drugs lol, there was at least that amount worth of assorted drugs in the box as well.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_j5123av wrote

Once someone left the $100 bill I lost at the lost and found nearby. It was pretty amazing. It was Telluride.


Caster-Hammer t1_j5181xa wrote

I once lost $300 behind an airport carryon scanner and was too late for my plane to stop for it. The worst, knowing it was between two oieces of metal that would have required fishing it out but not having the time to do so.

Messed up my entire vacation.


zefy_zef t1_j53nzdi wrote

I had a business ethics teacher one time who explained he would just leave the money on the ground where they found it. Understanding that mindset is a continuous battle for me.