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FreakyOnion t1_j50kto0 wrote

In fact, if they didn’t face ANY difficulty beyond getting fired from their jobs, then I would say we have a completely broken society.

But I feel confident that, short of the intervention of an outside benefactor who takes pity on them, these people’s next career moves will be lateral at best and degrading at worst.

Though, I’d feel better if they were officially held accountable by law enforcement. Skewering them in the comments section won’t stop them from behaving like animals. Law enforcement acting as an actual deterrent to more such activities is to be preferred.


Maliagirl1314 t1_j50m4qb wrote

Berating them in the comments may not stop them from doing this in the future, but it may give any future employer reason to think twice about having them in their business. It may also stop other people from behaving like this.